Announcements Grace Community Church

Regular Meetings

Servicio de adoración

Domingos • 11:00 am • Capilla

Sunday Mornings

Sundays • 10:30 AM • T261

Sunday Mornings

Sundays • 10:30 AM • T360s

Sunday Mornings

Sundays • 10:30 AM • T371

Sunday Mornings

Sundays • 8:30 AM • T260s

Sunday Mornings

Sundays • 8:30 AM • T370

Friday Evenings

Fridays • 7:30 PM • T361

Sunday Mornings

Sundays • 8:30 AM • T360s

Escuela dominical

Domingos • 9:00 y 11:00 am • H221-222

Fundamentos de la fe

Domingos • 11:00 am • Upper Room

Hombres de la Palabra

Tercer sábado • 8:00 AM • CC230

Estudio bíblico y oración

Miércoles • 7:00 PM • Capilla

Sunday at Grace

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Join us this Sunday for worship services and fellowship groups.

Grace Community Church

Every Woman’s Grace 2024–2025

Wednesday, October 2, 2024 • Crossing the Jordan, Joshua 3–5

Welcome to Every Woman’s Grace! This year we are studying the Old Testament books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth. As we focus specifically on God's interactions with the nation of Israel as they enter...

Every Woman’s Grace

Men of the Word 2024–2025

Wednesday, October 2, 2024 7:00 pm–9:00 pm • The Bible Is Clear | Brad Klassen

It Is Written: A Study of the Doctrine of Scripture

Men of the Word

Month of Prayer

This October at Grace Church, we are dedicating the month to prayer.

Grace Community Church

Elders Meeting

Thursday, October 17, 2024 7:00 pm–8:30 pm

The elders typically meet on the third Thursday of the month from 7:00 to 8:30 pm in T270. This meeting is open to our church family.

Grace Community Church

Day of Prayer

October 1819, 2024

Prayer is vital for the times that we live in today—it gives us an opportunity to share our requests and burdens with our Heavenly Father. To that end, we are looking forward to a day of prayer led by our elders.

Grace Community Church


Sunday, October 20, 2024

For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes. —1 Corinthians 11:26

Grace Community Church

Right Hand of Fellowship

Sunday, October 27, 2024 6:00 pm–7:30 pm

During select evening Worship Services, Grace Church welcomes new members with the Right Hand of Fellowship.


Parent Dedication

Sunday, October 27, 2024

This is a time when parents commit to raising their children according to the principles of God’s Word.


Exposing the Campaign for Immorality

A Message from Pastor John

Grace Community Church

Adult Fellowship Groups

If you’re new to Grace, or just looking for a place to plug in, check out a fellowship group today or in the coming weeks. Fellowship groups are open to adults and families in every season of life.

Grace Community Church

Dispelling Myths About “Mental Illness”

Contemporary culture is dominated by dangerous assumptions about “mental illness” and psychiatric therapies. God’s people, by contrast, must examine these things in light of the absolute truth of Scripture. In this article, Pastor John...

Grace Community Church

Emergency Relief for Israel

On October 7, the terrorist organization called Hamas broke through the border wall between Gaza and southern Israel and massacred women and children while taking many vulnerable Israelis hostage.

Grace Community Church

The Pastor’s Library

The Pastor’s Library is a 33-volume library of biblical study tools for African pastors. It will be given to qualified pastors to help them better study the Word of God.

Grace Community Church

Monday Morning Prayer

Call to prayer on Monday mornings, beginning at 9:00 am in the Welcome Center.

Grace Community Church

Home Bible Studies

Home Bible studies are all about this life-on-life fellowship and accountability. The idea that believers are to go to church once a week, on Sunday, to get ‘charged up’—so they can engage in ‘lone missions’ and ‘fight for Christ’ all on their own...

Grace Community Church

Sunday Evening Prayer Meeting

Call to prayer on Sunday evenings, 5:00–5:50 pm in room H114.

Grace Community Church