Sermons about Missions

Paul’s Approach to Missions

Nathan Busenitz | Titus 1:1–4 | 8/18/2024

Cornerstone | Series: Titus

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Paul’s Missionary Journeys

Brian Biedebach | Selected Scriptures | 8/6/2023


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Hudson Taylor said, "The Great Commission is not an option to be considered but a command to be obeyed."  Are you living in obedience to this command? In this Q&A session, we will explore the implications of the Great Commission for missionaries and non-missionaries, along with a variety of other missions-related topics.

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The Makings of a Missionary Heart

Matt Ng | Romans 15:14–33 | 4/30/2023


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The Life of Paul: The Missionary

Mark Zhakevich | Selected Scriptures | 4/21/2023

Foundation | Series: The Life of Paul

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Shepherding the Underground Church

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True Source of Strength

Paul Washer | Daniel 11:32–33 | 3/5/2023

Grace Pulpit

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Balancing Missions

Brian Biedebach | Selected Scriptures | 11/13/2022


Please note, due to technical difficulties, this recording skips brief portions of audio.

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Pursuing Gospel Progress

Matt Ng | Philippians 1:12–18 | 11/4/2022

Grace on Campus UCLA | Series: Philippians

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Defining Biblical Missions

Chris Burnett | Selected Scriptures | 5/1/2022


Through “Missiological Propositional Assertio”

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Praying for International Pastors & TMAI Training Ministries

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An Interview with the Ellingsons

Mike Riccardi | Selected Scriptures | 10/18/2020


An interview with missionaries David and Ashley Ellingson after their recent return from language training in France, as they prepare to move to Madagascar for their long-term assignment.

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Gazing at the Great Commission

Chris Burnett | Matthew 28:18–20 | 3/22/2020


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Q&A With Missionaries

Mark Zhakevich | Selected Scriptures | 6/30/2019


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Q&A with Missionaries

Brian Biedebach | Selected Scriptures | 6/23/2019


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John and Meg Glass share about their ministry in Geneva, Switzerland.

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The Power and Catalyst for Missions and Evangelism

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Troubling Trends in Missions

Mark Tatlock | Selected Scriptures | 3/10/2016 Seminar Session 2

Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2016

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Priorities in Missions

Paul Washer | Selected Scriptures | 3/10/2016 Morning Session

Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2016

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The Makings of a Missionary Heart

Matt Ng | Romans 15:14–33 | 3/29/2015


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An Overview of Missions

Mark Tatlock & Matt Floreen | Selected Scriptures | 6/22/2014


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Russian Trip

Bill Shannon | Selected Scriptures | 2/23/2014


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Ministry Report from Germany

Christian Andresen | Selected Scriptures | 2/23/2014

Joint Heirs

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A Missionary's Desire

Bill Shannon | 1 Thessalonians 2:17–20 | 5/6/2012


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EWG - Mindset for Missions

Phil Manly | Selected Scriptures | 9/22/2010

Mindset for Missions

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The Danger of the Mission

Kris Brackett | Matthew 20:1–16 | 8/22/2010


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Pray for your Missionaries

John Glass | Selected Scriptures | 8/8/2010


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Coming Full Circle with Missions

Martin Manten | Selected Scriptures | 5/17/2009

Joint Heirs

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Needed: Courageous Missionaries

John Glass | Selected Scriptures | 10/8/2006

The Foundry

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Encouragement in Missions

Todd Dick | 2 Corinthians 2:12–17 | 10/1/2006


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The Great Commission

John Glass | Selected Scriptures | 7/23/2006


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Missionary Motivation

Shannon Hurley | Selected Scriptures | 10/9/2005


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Missionary Update

Tom Feldpausch | Selected Scriptures | 10/31/2004


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Report From Russia

Paul Bright | Selected Scriptures | 7/4/2004


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Berlin Ministry Update

Cary Green | Selected Scriptures | 4/20/2003


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Leading your church in strong international missions.

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Leading a church to a strong commitment to international ministry.

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Hot buttons in international missions.

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Selecting and sending missionaries from the local church.

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Ministering effectively to those who minister.

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Cultivating a biblical worldview.

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