Sermons about History

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Please note, due to technical difficulties, this recording skips brief portions of audio.

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Lesson 8 covers the early Middle Ages and High Middle Ages in church history (501-1200 AD). Lesson PowerPoints and summary available online at the forerunners of the faith website.

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Roman Church - The System, Part 1

Bill Shannon | Selected Scriptures | 1/7/2024


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Church history covering the early church - the faithfulness of the disciples of the Apostles

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Church history from the book of Acts.

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Having the Bible in your language is a precious gift from God, and there have been many brave men and women throughout history who God has used to hand us this gift. In this session, we will study the amazing history of the English Bible, from the original languages to modern-day translations like the LSB.

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What are the arguments made by those who claim that the American Founders intended to, and did, create a Christian nation? We will examine the evidence used to show that America was founded as a Christian nation.

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In 1923, J. Gresham Machen published his book, Christianity and Liberalism, in response to the cultural challenges of his day. Exactly 100 years later, his words ring out as powerfully as ever as he shows that progressive Christianity is not Christianity at all. This seminar will explore the enduring effects of Machen’s life and insights to help our church understand why liberalism still remains a threat to true Christianity and how we ought to respond.

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Historical examples of doctrinal drift stand as a cautionary tale for the church today. This seminar will briefly trace Fuller Seminary’s drift from the doctrine of inerrancy and the repercussions.

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What did the key American Founders believe about Jesus, the Bible, and the basis of salvation? We will look at what they said that they believed and why that matters today.

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The charismatic movement points proudly to its early leaders, men and women referred to as “God’s Generals” through whom the Holy Spirit moved mightily. This seminar will look at the history of the charismatic movement and see that “God’s Generals” were, in fact, not very godly. By examining these negative examples, we can draw tremendous help in our own growth in godliness through the Spirit’s true work in our lives.

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It is well known that Charles Spurgeon battled depression all his life—but most of his biographies downplay this side of his temperament. What were the causes of his melancholy, and how did someone under such a weight of despondency accomplish as much as he did for the kingdom?

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Paul and His People

Brad Klassen | Titus 3:12–15 | 6/4/2023

Commissioned | Series: Exposition of Titus

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The Life of Paul: The Martyr

Mark Zhakevich | Selected Scriptures | 4/28/2023

Foundation | Series: The Life of Paul

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The Church as Represented in Pergamum

Bill Shannon | Revelation 2:12–17 | 4/23/2023

Anchored | Series: Revelation

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The Life of Paul: The Missionary

Mark Zhakevich | Selected Scriptures | 4/21/2023

Foundation | Series: The Life of Paul

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The Life of Paul: The Mercenary

Mark Zhakevich | Selected Scriptures | 4/13/2023

Foundation | Series: The Life of Paul

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The Church Of Smyrna

Bill Shannon | Revelation 2:8–11 | 3/26/2023

Anchored | Series: Revelation

Please note, due to technical difficulties, this recording skips brief portions of audio.

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General Session 12: The Enduring Legacy of The Puritans

John MacArthur | Selected Scriptures | 10/7/2022

Grace Community Church | Puritan Conference

The Scottish Puritans

Ian Hamilton | Selected Scriptures | 10/6/2022

Grace Community Church | Puritan Conference

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The History of the Westminster Assembly

Kevin DeYoung | Selected Scriptures | 10/6/2022

Grace Community Church | Puritan Conference

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The Dutch Puritans

Joel Beeke | Selected Scriptures | 10/6/2022

Grace Community Church | Puritan Conference

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The Father of Puritanism

Sinclair Ferguson | Selected Scriptures | 10/5/2022

Grace Community Church | Puritan Conference

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The Writing of the Puritans

Joel Beeke | Selected Scriptures | 10/5/2022

Grace Community Church | Puritan Conference

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For many of us, the definition and doctrine of "love" has been severely
degraded by the influence of the world. In a series of lectures entitled Charity and Its Fruits, Jonathan Edwards explores what the Bible has to say about love from 1 Corinthians 13. This seminar will look at Edwards' life and theology, and in so doing help us recover a biblical definition of love.

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When it comes to a life of strength with meekness, boldness with gentleness, and conviction with grace, Jesus Christ is the premier example. This seminar examines the exceptional life of J.C. Ryle, a man who knew and followed Jesus Christ in such a way that his own life began to closely resemble our Lord’s.

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What did America’s key founders believe about God, the Bible, and Christianity, and how did that influence America’s founding documents? This seminar will examine what they believed in their own words and why it matters today.

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How could a seminary dropout who suffered from chronic depression and disease inspire countless missionaries? Why would Jonathan Edwards, America’s greatest theologian, write that man’s biography, and eventually follow in his footsteps at great personal cost? Learn of the Great Awakening that gave birth to David Brainerd, whose brief but amazing life still inspires us today. 

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The Biblical genealogies, far from being passages in the Bible to skip over or read with impassive duty, are, indeed, powerful passages of Scripture that should shape our thinking, challenge our assumptions, and change our lives.

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Lyman Beecher was a dominant force in American religion in the first half of the nineteenth century. One of his sons, Henry Ward Beecher, was the most famous man in America in the second half of that century; his daughter, Harriet Beecher Stowe, was the leading female author of her time; and several other Beechers achieved fame and influence in their own lifetimes. We will discuss how this family's ideas and idiosyncrasies continue to dominate American evangelicalism.

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Peter: An Apostle of Contrasts

Brad Klassen | Selected Scriptures | 6/19/2022


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Have The Apostolic Gifts Ceased?

Phil Johnson | 1 Corinthians 12:8–10 | 6/5/2022


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The World of the First Christians

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Forerunners of the Faith

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Biography of Peter

Mark Zhakevich | Selected Scriptures | 10/9/2020

Foundation | Series: The Good Life

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Reformation Sunday! - Tyndale

Will Varner | Selected Scriptures | 10/27/2019


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"Logic on Fire"

Tom Patton | Selected Scriptures | 7/7/2019

Sundays in July | Sundays in July 2019

A Biographical Portrait of Martyn Lloyd-Jones

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Luke: A Model of Devotion

Brad Klassen | Selected Scriptures | 11/14/2018

Men of the Word | Series: Men Around Paul

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The Deity of Christ and the Early Church

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Long before Luther

Nathan Busenitz | Selected Scriptures | 3/8/2018 Seminar Session

Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2018

Where Was the Gospel Before the Reformation?

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Repent of the Reformation?

Paul Twiss | Selected Scriptures | 10/29/2017


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Erasmus: The Forgotten Reformer

Adam Ashoff | Selected Scriptures | 10/8/2017


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Faithful Saints You Never Heard Of

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Why the Reformation Isn’t Over

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Lessons from a Life of Pilgrimage

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A Biographical Sketch of Charles Spurgeon

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Beginning with Moses

Joe Zhakevich | Selected Scriptures | 3/2/2017 Seminar Session 2

Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2017

The OT Witness to a Suffering Messiah

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The Reformation and the Church

Chris Gee | Selected Scriptures | 10/26/2016


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From Luther to Los Angeles

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Is the Reformation Over?

Ligon Duncan | Selected Scriptures | 3/10/2016 Seminar Session 2

Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2016

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Reformation Power

Nathan Busenitz | Selected Scriptures | 10/26/2014

Grace Pulpit

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A History Lesson in Holiness

Austin Duncan | 1 Corinthians 10:1–13 | 9/11/2011


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A History Lesson in Holiness

Austin Duncan | 1 Corinthians 10:1–13 | 12/6/2009

Grace Pulpit

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Reformation Party

Rick Holland | Selected Scriptures | 10/28/2009


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How to preach the Old Testament.

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Sons of the Reformation

Bill Shannon | Selected Scriptures | 4/8/2007


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John Calvin

Eric Bancroft | Selected Scriptures | 6/21/2006

180 Ministry

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Reformation Highlights

Dan Dumas | Selected Scriptures | 10/2/2005


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Introduction To The Reformation

Rick Holland | Selected Scriptures | 6/17/2005


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The five errors that underlie every cult.

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A call to evangelical pastors to renew the commitment to the distinctive tenets of the Reformation.

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A call to evangelical pastors to renew the commitment to the distinctive tenets of the Reformation.

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A biography of Charles Spurgeon.

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