Leadership Grace Kids

Jay Lennington

Elder, Pastor

Jay has been actively involved in student ministry for more than twelve years, where he has served in high school, college and junior high. In 2013, Jay moved to California in order to attend The Master’s Seminary, where he graduated with his MDiv and DMin. Jay currently serves as the XChange pastor. Jay and his wife, Leah, have four children.

Steve Futrell

Associate Pastor

Caleb Cunningham

Associate Pastor

Pastoral associate in children’s ministry and campus pastor of Grace Academy. He has a Master of Divinity from The Master’s Seminary.

Rich has served in Children’s Ministry since 1986. It is his joy to proclaim the gospel to kids and encourage parents to be faithful stewards of God’s gifts as they raise their children. He currently serves as an elder overseeing Children’s Ministry, and also teaches the Parenting for Life class at Grace Church. Rich and his wife, Karen, have three children.