EWG Sign-Up Form

All women are invited to join us for a weekly study of the Old Testament books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth. As we focus specifically on God's interactions with the nation of Israel as they enter and conquer the Promised Land,  just as God had sworn to Abraham in Genesis 15, our faith will be strengthened by learning about God’s faithfulness, sovereignty, and holiness and motivate us to worship to Him who alone is worthy.

Please note that ALL women must register to attend, whether new to EWG or returning.

Cambie al Español


September 4, 2024–May 14, 2025 28 occurences

More Information
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Occupation required
Birth date (mm/dd/yy) required
If married, name of spouse required

Emergency contact required
Emergency contact phone required

If other, please write in the name of your church required
If other, which one? required
Current church activity required

Previous discussion leader required
Additional notes required

Names and ages (in months) required

Names and ages (in years) required