Alana Ko | Selected Scriptures | 7/28/2024
Sundays in July | Sundays in July 2024
Download(s): MP3
Riley Seid | Romans 12:1–2 | 5/26/2024
Grace on Campus UCLA | Series: GOC Spring Retreat 2024
Matt Ng | Matthew 16:24–28 | 5/25/2024
Nathan LeMaster | Selected Scriptures | 4/7/2024
Brian Biedebach | 2 Corinthians 5:9–10 | 3/17/2024
Steadfast | Series: 2 Corinthians
John Piper | Selected Scriptures | 3/6/2024
Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2024
Download(s): MP3 / Video
Linda Damarjian | Selected Scriptures | 2/15/2024
Sojourners Women’s Fellowship
Jay Lennington | 1 Kings 19:19–21 | 2/11/2024
Xchange | Series: 1st Kings
Danielle Muñoz | Selected Scriptures | 2/10/2024
180 Ministry | Concerns of a Christian Woman
Robin Contreras | Isaiah 8 | 2/10/2024
Rodney Andersen | James 2:14–17 | 1/28/2024
Commissioned | Series: James
Download(s): MP3 / Slides
Brad Klassen | Ecclesiastes 5:1–9 | 1/17/2024
Men of the Word | Series: Searching for Significance
Download(s): MP3 / Video / Slides / Lesson / Lesson
Brad Klassen | Revelation 2:1–7 | 1/14/2024
Commissioned | Series: Exposition of Revelation
Brad Klassen | Revelation 2:1–7 | 12/31/2023
Please note, due to technical difficulties, this recording skips brief portions of audio.
Download(s): Slides / MP3
Riley Seid | 3 John | 12/1/2023
Grace on Campus UCLA | Series: The Epistles of John
Brian Nkoana | Psalm 119:1–8 | 11/19/2023
Austin Duncan | Proverbs 1:7 | 11/5/2023
Crossroads | Series: Proverbs
Matt Ng | Jude 1:17–25 | 9/23/2023
Grace on Campus UCLA | Series: Fall Retreat 2023
Daniel Clouthier | Ecclesiastes 12:9–14 | 9/10/2023
Mark Tatlock | John 13–17 | 9/3/2023
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