Sermons about Doctrine

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The core teachings of the Catholic church are examined and contrasted with the doctrines of the sufficiency and authority of Scripture and justification.

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In this seminar, we will consider the miraculous gifts of the New Testament (tongues, prophecy, and healing), and will see that the modern charismatic version of those gifts does not measure up to the biblical reality.

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In 1923, J. Gresham Machen published his book, Christianity and Liberalism, in response to the cultural challenges of his day. Exactly 100 years later, his words ring out as powerfully as ever as he shows that progressive Christianity is not Christianity at all. This seminar will explore the enduring effects of Machen’s life and insights to help our church understand why liberalism still remains a threat to true Christianity and how we ought to respond.

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While this question may be intimidating to some and intriguing to others, its answer is essential for all. A. W.  Tozer said, “what comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” This session will explore the character and work of God the Father to begin to answer this all-important question for our lives.

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God’s immutable essence is the very foundation of our trust in Him. If God is not unchanging, like a rock, then He cannot act as our fortress in times of turmoil. But if God is a God who does not change, then we have every reassurance that we can run to Him when the whole earth has given way under our feet.

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“Let go and let God” theology may sound appealing, but this popular approach to sanctification is both deeply unbiblical and extremely harmful. This seminar will explore the roots of Higher Life theology and the dangers of its application.
Andy Naselli is associate professor of systematic theology and New Testament at Bethlehem College and Seminary in Minneapolis and one of the pastors of Bethlehem Baptist Church. He further serves as a guest lecturer for the DMin program at The Master’s Seminary. Andy and his wife, Jenni, have four girls.

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Contemporary society’s obsession over what one “identifies” as is rooted in an anti-biblical doctrine of man. It has never been more important to find our identity in what God says we are as His image-bearers, and that identity begins with creation and the historical Adam—two biblical doctrines under incessant attack from today’s culture.

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Theology in the Wild

Austin Duncan | Selected Scriptures | 7/1/2022

Crossroads | Series: Theology in the Wild

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All Sermons about Doctrine