Sermons about Joy

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From Discouragement to Encouragement

Brian Biedebach | 2 Corinthians 2:12–17 | 11/19/2023

Steadfast | Series: 2 Corinthians

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A Sign of Joy

Isaías Muñoz | John 2:1–11 | 6/4/2023

180 Ministry | Series: That You May Believe

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A Theology of Life: Play

Jeremy Vuolo | Selected Scriptures | 5/21/2023


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A Habitat for Joy

Matt Ng | Philippians 4:10–23 | 5/19/2023

Grace on Campus UCLA | Series: Philippians

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Transcendent Joy

Matt Ng | Philippians 3:1–11 | 4/14/2023

Grace on Campus UCLA | Series: Philippians

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The Joy Problem

Matt Poladian | Ecclesiastes 1:12–2:26 | 3/17/2023

Westside Bible Study | Series: Ecclesiastes


God’s Solution for Sadness

Caden Colson | 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18 | 10/30/2022

180 Ministry

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General Session 8: The Joy of the Puritans

John Piper | Selected Scriptures | 10/6/2022

Grace Community Church | Puritan Conference

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Jesus: The Source of Joy

Jay Lennington | Philippians 3:4–11 | 3/16/2022


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Joy Worth Fighting For

Jay Lennington | Philippians 3:1–3 | 3/13/2022


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The Person of Our Joy

Tom Patton | 1 Peter 3:1–5 | 4/4/2021

Joint Heirs | Series: 1 Peter

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The Place of Our Joy

Tom Patton | 1 Peter 1:3–5 | 3/28/2021

Joint Heirs | Series: 1 Peter

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Rejoicing in Trials

Josh Petras | 1 Peter 1:3–9 | 3/25/2020

180 Ministry | Series: 180 Online

Discussion Questions
How has this time of quarantine affected your Walk in Christ?
What trials have you experienced in this season ? What are 3 things that helps us view our trials in a different light?
What are some things that this season has revealed about you?
Peter says, “We have been born-again to a living hope.” How does this truth encourage our daily lives? What are some practical ways to treasure Christ through our trials?

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A Reasonable Joy

Harry Walls | James 1:8–12 | 2/10/2019

Cornerstone | Series: James

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Reasonable Joy

Harry Walls | James 1:2 | 1/20/2019

Cornerstone | Series: James

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A Life Well Lived

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Joy in Jesus

Jay Lennington | Philippians 1:12–18 | 12/17/2017


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Finding Joy and Peace

Nathan Busenitz | Philippians 4:4–13 | 11/26/2017

Grace Pulpit

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A Celebration of Joy

Phil Johnson | 1 Thessalonians 2:19–20 | 3/19/2017

Grace Pulpit

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True Joy

Jeremy Yoder | Galatians 5:22–23 | 9/21/2016


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Men's Conference 2016 " God's Glory and Man's Chief End"

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How To Have Joy As A Christian

Rick McLean | Selected Scriptures | 6/26/2016

Joint Heirs

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Profile of a Happy Christian

Scott Gnuse | Psalm 1:1–3 | 2/28/2016


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In this four-part series, Pastor Mike Riccardi examines four imperatives from Philippians 4 that will equip God's people to remain steadfast and faithful to Christ and His Word.

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The Fruit of Joy and Peace

Nathan Busenitz | Philippians 4:4–14 | 1/17/2016


Fix your eyes on Jesus for true joy and peace. Jesus is the source of true joy, the substance of true peace, and the strength to live out joy and peace.

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From Sorrow to Joy

John MacArthur | Selected Scriptures | 11/22/2015

Grace Pulpit

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Gozo supremo de Jesús

Sixto Dormi | Luke 10:21–24 | 4/15/2015

Grace en Español

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Andrew Curry | Selected Scriptures | 2/8/2015


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Joyful Trials

Ruben Videira | James 1:1–8 | 4/13/2014


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Justin Harris | Philippians 4:4 | 11/17/2013

180 Ministry

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Rejoice in Christ Always

Justin Harris | Philippians 4:4 | 11/17/2013


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The Joyful Prisoner

David Jordan | Philippians 1:3–6 | 6/16/2013

Joint Heirs

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The Joy of Contentment

Phil Johnson | Philippians 4:10–13 | 1/13/2013

Grace Pulpit

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The Heart of Happiness

Tom Patton | Matthew 5 | 11/18/2012


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A Celebration of Joy

Phil Johnson | 1 Thessalonians 2:19–20 | 12/11/2011


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Paul's Secret to Joy

Jon Scott | Philippians 4:10–14 | 11/30/2011


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Paul's Joyful Anticipation

Kelly Wright | Philippians 1:18–26 | 9/14/2011


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The Believer's Joy

Kwacha Simwaka | Philippians 1:3–6 | 9/7/2011


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Austin Duncan | Philippians 4:4 | 11/14/2010

180 Ministry

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How to be Happy (again)

Tom Drion | Psalm 32:3–5 | 8/8/2010


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The Joy of Glorifying God

Jon Rehurek | John 15:1–16 | 5/17/2009


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Rick Holland | Proverbs 3:13–18 | 4/12/2009


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Fighting for Joy

Austin Duncan | 1 Thessalonians 5:16 | 11/23/2008

180 Ministry

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Joy and Peace

Toya Tyler | Selected Scriptures | 11/10/2008

Joint Heirs

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God Guards Joy

Tom Patton | 1 Peter 1:3–6 | 10/26/2008


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God Gives Us Joy

Tom Patton | 1 Peter 1:3–6 | 10/19/2008


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The Person of Our Joy

Tom Patton | 1 Peter 1:3–6 | 10/5/2008


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The Place of our Joy

Tom Patton | 1 Peter 1:3–4 | 9/28/2008


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The Pursuit of Happiness

Tom Patton | Selected Scriptures | 8/3/2008

Joint Heirs

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An Invitation to Joy, Part 2

Tom Patton | Ecclesiastes 11:7–10 | 7/20/2008

Cornerstone | Series: Ecclesiastes 11

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The Person of Our Joy

Tom Patton | 1 Peter 1:5 | 10/20/2006

The Guild

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The Person of Our Joy

Tom Patton | 1 Peter 1:3–5 | 10/13/2006

The Guild

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Wednesday Evening

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Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee

Rick Holland | 1 Peter 1:6–9 | 12/4/2005


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The Happiest Place on Earth

CJ Mahaney | Hebrews 13:17 | 8/31/2005


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Consider It All Joy

Jim Stitzinger | James 1:2–4 | 2/20/2005


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The Pastor and Joy

Phil Johnson | Selected Scriptures | 3/18/2004


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