Sundays in July 2024 Sundays in July


Sunday, July 7, 2024

Download(s): MP3

Download(s): MP3

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Download(s): MP3

Download(s): Slides / MP3

Please note, due to technical difficulties, this recording skips brief portions of audio.

Download(s): MP3

Please note, due to technical difficulties, this recording skips brief portions of audio.

Download(s): MP3

Download(s): MP3

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Download(s): MP3

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Download(s): MP3

Please note, due to technical difficulties, this recording skips brief portions of audio.

Download(s): MP3

Please note, due to technical difficulties, this recording skips brief portions of audio.

Download(s): MP3 / Slides / Handout / Handout

Please note, due to technical difficulties, this recording skips brief portions of audio.

Download(s): MP3 / Handout

Please note, due to technical difficulties, this recording skips brief portions of audio.

Download(s): MP3