Sunday, March 30, 2025

Grace Today

9 & 11 am
Austin Duncan preaching, "Who Can Forgive?" from Mark 2:1–12

6 pm
Nathan Busenitz preaching, "A Worthy Witness" from Philippians 1:27-30

Livestream is available online and on the Grace Media app for the 11:00 am & 6:00 pm services.

Members, be sure to register your attendance via the pew card or the Grace Church app.

Children's Ministry

9 & 11 am 
Jesus Enters Jerusalem as King from Matthew 21-23; Zechariah 9:9

6 pm
Adventure Club lesson "Jesus Is Lord" from Romans 10:9

Nursery will be available for children three and under.


Austin Duncan image

Austin Duncan

Pastor, Elder - Crossroads

Staff Pastor - Grace Community Church

Nathan Busenitz image

Nathan Busenitz

Elder, Pastor - Cornerstone

Elder - Fundamentals of the Faith

Shepherd - Stevenson Ranch Bible Study

Staff Pastor - Grace Community Church