How to Read a Book

by Andy Naselli

Tolle lege. Take up, and read. Those were the words that provoked Saint Augustine to take up the epistle to the Romans and God would change his life forever through reading.

Summer is a time when many of us take after our pastor, who is a voracious reader, and pick up a book or two in order to enrich our minds. While you may aspire to read more, have you ever thought about reading well? What strategy do you use when you read? Is it possible to read better?

This is why I am grateful for my friend Andy Naselli's latest title, How To Read a Book. Dr. Naselli gives a masterclass in the art of reading. From instruction on engaging books deeply, to high-level intake, from surveying a book, to critically engaging with the text, Naselli passes on a variety of skills. I'm especially grateful for his sections on cultivating good habits like avoiding distraction, organizing your thoughts, and how to write in order to synthesize well.

While there are other books on the topic - Naselli's is easily my favorite. How to Read a Book is essential reading for all readers at Grace Community Church.

Tolle lege.

—Austin Duncan, Crossroads Fellowship Group