Grace Community Church is proud to offer premarital/marital training to equip couples for a lifetime of biblical devotion. In the eyes of the Lord, marriage is the highest of human relationships. Only in this special relationship are the two considered “one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). The Lord has designed marriage to be a means through which the couple brings Him glory in their lives together. In a world of confusion, it is crucial the couple understands exactly what the Lord has designed and expects. Marriage can often be a struggle, but the Scriptures provide clear instruction that leads the couple into a flourishing relationship.
During these sessions couples will learn how to prepare for a God-honoring and biblical marriage through the instruction of Grace Church elders including the Pastor of Counseling, Grace Church elders. All topics discussed are founded on the teaching of scripture. While extremely comprehensive, the course in not demanding. We want this to be an enjoyable experience.
The following topics with be discussed:
Our premarital/marriage seminar is offered three times a year. It consists of four sessions that take place on two different weekends (check the Announcements page for any current class offerings).
Typically offered: Jan/Feb, May/June, Sep/Oct
Weekend 1
Friday 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Weekend 2
Friday 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Our premarital/marital seminar is available ONLY for:
$35 for members and $65 for non-members (per couple)
Included in the cost:
Our premarital/marital seminar is held on the campus of Grace Community Church, 13248 Roscoe Blvd., Sun Valley, CA 91352
For couples wishing to be married at Grace Community Church, it is required that they: