Announcements Membership

Right Hand of Fellowship

Sunday, February 23, 2025 6:00 pm–7:30 pm

During select evening Worship Services, Grace Church welcomes new members with the Right Hand of Fellowship.


What Is Communion?

The Lord’s Supper, also known as communion, is a practice of remembering and recounting Christ’s death until He comes again (Luke 22:19). We practice this every month as a church family through the partaking of the bread and cup...


What Is Baptism?

Here at Grace Church, we teach that baptism is an ordinance that Jesus established for His church. Its purpose is two-fold, signifying a person’s initiation into the church, and his declaration of faith and submission to the church’s builder...


Who Is the Church?

Often, we view the church as something we attend or a place we go, rather than something we are. But from a biblical perspective, the church is not so much a particular place or event as much as it is a corporate identity...


Membership Class

If you're interested in becoming part of our church family, a new membership class cycle (101–103) begins each month.


What Is Church Leadership?

Here at Grace Church, we believe that Christ intended the local church to be led by a plurality of biblically qualified elders. And He outlines the structure and responsibilities of leadership as anything but arbitrary.
