As we celebrate Christmas, we rejoice in the incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ. What a joy it is to consider that God the Son took on flesh and became a man, so that as the Son of Man He might live a righteous life and die as the perfect substitute for all who believe in Him. Though we were dead in our trespasses and sins, God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that all who believe in Him will not perish but have eternal life.
Had Christ never been born in Bethlehem, we would still be desperately lost in our sins. We would be like fallen angels—helpless, hopeless, and with no future but hell. But God, being rich in mercy, sent His Son to pay the penalty for sin, so that through faith in Him we might be forgiven and granted eternal life.
At Christmas, we think on these gospel truths and rejoice. At the same time, we recognize there are many in the world who do not know our Savior. They cannot understand or appreciate these magnificent truths. They remain separated from the Lord Jesus and the redemption found only in Him.
Our church’s response to this pressing need is both local and global—from equipping our church family for personal evangelism to neighborhood outreach efforts to foreign language Bible studies. At the global level, our church sends and supports missionaries around the world. They serve on the frontlines of global gospel advancement, proclaiming the good news of salvation to those trapped in spiritual darkness.
This Christmas, we have the opportunity to give to Faith Promise, a fund designed to provide vital support for our missionary efforts across the globe. Whether translating God’s Word into foreign languages, planting biblical churches, or training national pastors to preach God’s Word, our missionaries are faithfully bringing the good news of the gospel to the ends of the earth. They do this, at great personal sacrifice, so that sinners might come to saving faith and join in worshipping Christ!
This Christmas season, we will all join in praising God for the gift of His Son. He is the greatest gift of all. What a privilege it is for us to participate in the work of telling others about God’s marvelous gift. When we prayerfully support the work of our ministry partners overseas, we become partakers with them in their ministry. I can think of no greater investment, since the fruit of this work is eternal.
May the Lord bless you and your loved ones as you contemplate, celebrate, and share the good news of the gospel this Christmas season.
Yours for the Truth,
John MacArthur