We have put together a list of helpful books for counseling and discipleship.
For book availability and pricing, call Grace Books at 800-472-2315 or visit gracebooks.com.
Solid theological foundations of biblical counseling are clearly presented in contrast to humanistic and secular theories of psychological counseling. A practical, proactive, and relevant book for students, church leaders, and lay people. This collection of writers represents some of America's leading biblical teachers and counselors. |
The Christian Counselor’s Manual is a companion and sequel to the author’s influential Competent to Counsel. It takes the approach of nouthetic counseling introduced in the earlier volume and applies it to a wide range of issues, topics, and techniques in counseling: Who is qualified to be a counselor? How can counselees change? How does the Holy Spirit work? What role does hope play? |
Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF) biblical counseling expert Paul David Tripps best-selling Christian book, Instruments in the Redeemers Hands has launched a line of interactive, gospel-centered small group materials designed to transform the way that people think about helping others. These Instruments in the Redeemers Hands small group materials are part of CCEFs core curriculum. |
Where should Christians go to heal the deep hurts in their hearts? Today’s search for inner fulfillment has exploded into the Recovery movement, complete with twelve-step seminars, counseling programs, and self-help books. Thousands are looking to Christian psychology to help them attain victory over modern dysfunctions. |
Christian counselors agree that the Bible's message of salvation can radically change lives. Scripture can lead even the most unlikely people to faith but when it comes to everyday problems - is the Bible really enough? |
Owens calls believers back to the all sufficient Jesus Christ. He urges them to trust fully in Christ's ever present provisions, the power of His indwelling Holy Spirit, and the sure guidance of the inerrant Word of God. |
Until recent years, “bad” and “immoral” were the terms used to describe people who are now referred to as “sick” and “in need of treatment.” Moral and religious perspective has been replaced by medical and therapeutic rhetoric. It is little wonder why the world is plagued by legions of rapists, drug users, murderers, thieves, and child abusers, all of whom are now referred to as having one form or another of “addiction” and are thus either “sick” or suffering from “mental illness.” |
A changed heart is the bright promise of the gospel. When the Bible talks about the gift of a new heart, it doesn't mean a heart that is immediately perfected, but a heart that is capable of being changed. Jesus' work on the cross targets our hearts, our core desires and motivations, and when our hearts change, our behavior changes. |
Hemos recopilado una lista de libros útiles para consejería y discipulado.
Para consultar la disponibilidad y los precios de los libros, llame a Grace Books al 800-472-2315 o visite gracebooks.com.
La consejería: Cómo aconsejar bíblicamente por John MacArthur y Wayne Mack
Fundamentos teológicos sólidos de la consejería bíblica se presentan claramente en contraste con las teorías humanistas y seculares de la consejería psicológica. Un libro práctico, proactivo y relevante para estudiantes, líderes de iglesia y laicos. Esta colección de autores incluye a algunos de los principales maestros y consejeros bíblicos de Estados Unidos.
Manual del consejero cristiano por Jay Adams
El Manual del consejero cristiano es un complemento y secuela de la influyente obra del autor, Competente para aconsejar. Este libro adopta el enfoque de la consejería nutética presentado en el volumen anterior y lo aplica a una amplia gama de problemas, temas y técnicas en la consejería: ¿Quién está calificado para ser consejero? ¿Cómo pueden cambiar los aconsejados? ¿Cómo obra el Espíritu Santo? ¿Qué papel desempeña la esperanza?
Instrumentos en las manos del Redentor por Paul David Tripp
El experto en consejería bíblica de la Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF), Paul David Tripp, ha creado el éxito de ventas cristiano Instrumentos en las manos del Redentor, el cual ha dado origen a una línea de materiales interactivos para grupos pequeños centrados en el evangelio. Estos materiales están diseñados para transformar la forma en que las personas piensan acerca de ayudar a otros. Los materiales para grupos pequeños de Instrumentos en las manos del Redentor forman parte del currículo principal de CCEF.
Como cambia la gente por Paul David Tripp y Tim Lane
Un corazón transformado es la brillante promesa del evangelio. Cuando la Biblia habla del regalo de un nuevo corazón, no se refiere a un corazón inmediatamente perfecto, sino a un corazón con la capacidad de ser transformado. La obra de Jesús en la cruz tiene como objetivo nuestros corazones, es decir, nuestros deseos y motivaciones más profundos, y cuando nuestros corazones cambian, nuestro comportamiento también cambia.