Mobile Check-In

If you are a parent or guardian of a child in our Children’s Ministry, you are now able to use your phone to check your child into Nursery, Sunday School, and Adventure Club. 

To do this, visit and enter the phone number associated with your child. A verification code will be sent to the entered phone number for security purposes. Once this verification code has been entered, you will receive a QR code which can then be scanned at the Mobile Kiosk station, adjacent to the Children's Check-In Trolly, to receive your child’s sticker.

Please note, Mobile Kiosk only works in LA County.

If for any reason you see an unknown phone number or profile associated with your child’s account, email the Children’s Ministry office at If you need to add a new family member please register online. The Children's Ministry office is open Monday to Friday during normal business hours hours.


The website says it cannot determine my location. How do I fix this?

Please check your privacy setting and make sure you allow "Location Access" for the browser app you are using on your phone.

For iPhone: Go to Settings > Privacy and Security > Locations Services > Safari Websites (or any other Browser app you are using) > set to "Ask Next Time Or When I Share" or "While Using the App" 

For Android: Tap and hold your browser app on your home screen, then select "App Info" > Permissions > Location > Select "Allow all the time" or "Allow only while using the app" or "Ask every time"

or Navigate to Settings app > Location > App Permissions >  Select Chrome (or whatever browsing app you are using) > Change the location access for this app to either "Allow only while using the app" or "Ask every time"


What do I do if I do not want to allow the website to determine my location?

If you are unwilling to allow the website to determine your location you will not be able to use the Mobile Kiosk. However, you may still check in at the kiosks on the Grace Church campus in person.


What do I do if one or more of my family members are missing from the list?

You may need to regsiter a new family member online. If this family member was previously listed but is now missing, contact Children's Ministry by emailing


What do I do if the wrong family shows up under my phone number?

Please contact Children's Ministry by emailing


What if I do not have access to the phone number connected to the children I need to check in?

Please go to the Children's Check-In Trolley or email