You may register your child on our website prior to the Sunday you attend or in-person on Sunday mornings with our volunteers at the Children’s trolley, located next to the Kiosk station.
Nursery care is provided every Sunday morning and evening for children from birth to three-years-old. Sunday School classes are offered for children three-years-old to sixth grade.
Children’s Ministry does not have any mid-week events, however, our ministry hosts several annual events (e.g. VBS, Fall Fair) that take place on various dates. Please check the Grace Today bulletin on Sunday mornings to learn about upcoming events.
If you are a member of Grace Church, you may apply to serve in Children’s Ministry. We have multiple service opportunities and are always in need of more volunteers. All volunteers must fill out a Leadership Application and Background Check form. Minors (Jr. High and High School) who wish to serve must fill out our Youth Service Application. You may pick up these forms at the trolley by the Children’s Center on Sunday mornings and evenings.
Our church hosts tri-annual Parent Dedications. Parent Dedication is a time during our Sunday evening service where parents make a public commitment before the church to raise their child(ren) in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). If you and your spouse are members of Grace Church, and your child is under the age of 24-months, you may sign up to participate in a Parent Dedication. Announcements regarding Parent Dedication dates and sign-ups are posted in the Grace Today. For more information about Parent Dedication, please visit our Parent Dedication page.
Our curriculum is available through Generations of Grace. Please visit their website at or call 818-909-5762.