Sermons 180 Ministry

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Blessed Assurance

Josh Petras | Selected Scriptures | 5/20/2018

180 Ministry

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Josh Petras | Philippians 4:10–13 | 4/29/2018

180 Ministry | Series: Living the Gospel

Living The Gospel

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Lessons from Elijah’s Life

S W | 1 Kings 16:29–17:7 | 4/22/2018

180 Ministry

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Living the Gospel

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Priorities for Standing Firm

Josh Petras | Philippians 4:2–7 | 3/25/2018

180 Ministry | Series: Living the Gospel

Living the Gospel

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Standing Firm as Citizens

Josh Petras | Philippians 3:17–4:17 | 3/18/2018

180 Ministry | Series: Living the Gospel

Living the Gospel

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Jesus, The Better Pursuit

Josh Petras | Philippians 3:12–16 | 3/4/2018

180 Ministry | Series: Living the Gospel

Living the Gospel

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