David has served in the Evangelical Church of Teis in Vigo (Spain) since God saved him in his youth. In 2013, he was recognized as an elder of the church, and in 2015 he and his wife Laura moved to Los Angeles to pursue his theological training at The Master’s Seminary. After his graduation (MDiv, 2018) and ministry in Grace Community Church, they went back to Spain to serve in his home church. In 2019, David was ordained to the ministry as pastor of the church. David’s passion is to shepherd God’s flock by preaching the Word of God, counseling, and training other men to do likewise. David is also part of the faculty at Berea Seminary in Leon (Spain). David and Laura have two daughters, Noa Grace and Cloe Joy.
CHURCH STRENGTHENING: Shepherding, counseling, preaching, and teaching God's Word, and training church leadership.
LEADERSHIP TRAINING: Equipping pastors in Berea Seminary to faithfully preach the Word of God and shepherd biblical churches.
As 2 Timothy 2:15 reads, David’s heart is to be diligent to present himself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.
Evangelical Church of Teis (Vigo, Spain): David serves in shepherding, preaching, leadership development, and counseling as pastor of the church. Although her main ministry is her family, Laura currently leads and teaches in the women’s ministry.
Berea Seminary: David serves as part of the faculty of Berea seminary, teaching classes and tutoring students in both programs, Expository Preaching and Bible and Theology (more info: Berea Training Ministry).
Please keep us in your prayers.
For further information: david.glezm@gmail.com.
Vigo, Spain