VBS 2023 Highlights


In Search of the Savior

June 20—23, 2023

Grace Church is committed to shepherding families, especially as we partner with parents in teaching children the good news of the gospel. Few things illustrate that commitment like Vacation Bible School. 

This year’s VBS theme, titled “In Search of the Savior,” is focused on the life of Jesus. Our prayer is that the children who join us will be forever impacted by the life of Christ and trust in Him as their Savior. They will learn from the conversation between Nicodemus and Jesus what one must do to have eternal life (John 3:1–18). They will see the authority of Jesus to forgive sin in the healing of the paralytic (Mark 2:1–13). They will discover that, in their search for the Savior, it is Jesus who came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:1–10). Finally, they will be taught that he necessary response to God’s revelation of His Son is to confess that Jesus is the risen Lord who conquered sin on behalf of sinners (John 20:19–29).

We are grateful for all the fun the children are having and the many new friendships being made. The Parent Pavilion has been busy as well, as our outreach team is staffed to meet with parents for prayer and to answer questions about God’s Word.

Thank you for praying for VBS! It has been a wonderful week for our church to come together and serve so many families. Vacation Bible School is always an encouraging picture of our church’s commitment to evangelism, caring for families, and strengthening the church. Join us in praising the Lord for His work at this year’s VBS!

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Updated July 12, 2023

Day 1 

Day 2

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Grace Kids

The Children’s Ministry of Grace Church
Contact: childrens@gracechurch.org 818-909-5631