June 21—24, 2022
Grace Church is committed to shepherding families, especially as we partner with parents in teaching children the good news of the gospel. Few things illustrate that commitment like Vacation Bible School. This past week, over 600 faithful volunteers—some as young as junior high—came together to serve more than 1,000 children at VBS. We were amazed to see so many members of our church serve in this way! And we were thankful to welcome children from the neighborhood, the greater community, and even from other states, knowing that every child heard the gospel of Jesus Christ.
This year’s VBS theme was titled “Into the Deep.” With the campus decorated in an ocean theme, the children learned about God’s great mercy to undeserving sinners as shown in the book of Jonah. Our desire was to show from the Bible who God is and what He has done to save us from our sin, and our prayer was that each child understand that God alone is worthy of worship and that Jesus is the only one who can forgive our sins that we have committed against Him. The teaching, music, crafts, skits, and small group discussions all served to reinforce these amazing truths. We are grateful for all the fun the children had and the many new friendships that were made. The Parent Pavilion was busy all week as well, as our outreach team was staffed to meet with parents for prayer and to answer questions about God’s Word.
Thank you for praying for VBS! It was a wonderful week for our church to come together and serve so many families. Vacation Bible School is always an encouraging picture of our church’s commitment to evangelism, caring for families, and strengthening the church. Join us in praising the Lord for His work at this year’s VBS!
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Updated July 22, 2022
The Children’s Ministry of Grace Church
Contact: childrens@gracechurch.org 818-909-5631