Grace Church is committed to teaching children about Jesus and pointing them to Him, and few things illustrate that commitment like Vacation Bible School. During the week of June 24–28, hundreds of faithful volunteers—some as young as junior high—came together to serve the more than 1,000 children who attended VBS, and every one of these precious kids finished the week having heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. We had children from the neighborhood, from the greater community, and from other states travel to our church to attend VBS; we even had children from around the world, as many of our missionary children were able to join us for the week.
This year’s theme was “Adventure of a Lifetime,” and the entire curriculum was centered around Christ. The kids learned about who He is and what He has done to save us from our sin—they learned that Jesus is the eternal Creator who came to earth to die as the perfect sacrifice for sinners. These truths were reinforced through teaching, music, crafts, and skits—the kids also enjoyed a time of games and snacks as they fellowshipped with each other and made new friends. We were also able to minister to the parents of these children through our parent lounge, where volunteers from our outreach team who were available for prayer and conversations about God’s Word. It was a wonderful week as God’s people came together as a church to minister to and serve both children and their parents.
From Monday morning’s opening assembly to Sunday evening’s Plaza Fellowship, Vacation Bible School was an encouraging picture of our church’s commitment to evangelism and the joy that characterizes fellowship among God’s people. We hope that as summer kicks into high gear, you’ll join us in continuing to praise the Lord for the power of His Word and the work He’s done through VBS 2019.
The Children’s Ministry of Grace Church
Contact: 818-909-5631