Bill Shannon | Selected Scriptures | 3/5/2004
Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2004
A biblical look at divorce and remarriage.
Download(s): MP3
GCC Elders | Selected Scriptures | 3/5/2004
An open forum with the lay elders of Grace Community Church.
Rick Holland | Selected Scriptures | 3/5/2004
How to effectively preach the Old Testament.
Carey Hardy | Selected Scriptures | 3/5/2004
Addressing the trichotomy / dichotomy debate.
John MacArthur | Selected Scriptures | 3/5/2004
Friday Morning
Pam Hardy | Selected Scriptures | 3/5/2004
Women's Session
Al Mohler | Selected Scriptures | 3/4/2004
Thursday Evening
John MacArthur | Selected Scriptures | 3/4/2004
Thursday Afternoon
John Street | Selected Scriptures | 3/4/2004
Separating psychology from Scripture.
Rob Iverson | Selected Scriptures | 3/4/2004
Shepherding the hearts of difficult and disgruntled members.
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