Jesus Christ is the focus at Quennevais Evangelical Church. The church is located in Jersey, British Islands. We are about making disciples (Matthew 28:18-20). For those who do not know Jesus Christ we want to help with the introduction. For those who do know Him we want to strengthen that knowledge and service to Him. When Jesus was asked which commandment is the greatest (Matthew 22:37) He responded in 2 parts: love God and love neighbour. If we truly love God, we will also love our neighbour. Our attitude to God goes hand in hand with our attitude to those around us. At QEC we describe this as living “Upward to Christ” and “Outward to Community”. Our emphasis is on the Bible as the word of God. We faithfully preach the Word of God, proclaim the Gospel, look to be doers of the Word and not hearers only, worship the Lord and grow in sanctification. It is our hope and prayer that through QEC people will better know Jesus Christ!
Please pray for the Lord to be glorified through our ministry, and if you would like to financially support Quennevais Evangelical Church, please see the giving link below.
Jersey, British Isles