“Changing the Heart of a Nation—One Heart at a Time” is Gianluca and Sonia Pollutri’s hope and desire as they prepare to proclaim the gospel in Italy.

Gianluca began his studies at The Master’s Seminary in September 2011, and earned his Master of Divinity degree in December 2014. He completed his Master of Theology and Master of Biblical Counseling degrees in May 2016.

While his time in America has prepared Gianluca theologically—and sharpened his English-speaking skills—the Lord has also used this time to strengthen both his and Sonia’s faith. In February 2013, after undergoing oral surgery, Gianluca discovered he had a rare form of leukemia. Rather than being a setback, Gianluca and Sonia have seen God’s grace, faithfulness, and providence through this and many other medical and financial challenges.

Gianluca and Sonia have now returned to Florence, Italy. Their desire is to glorify God through church planting, making disciples, and building leaders (Colossians 1:28–29). Gianluca has also joined the ITA (Italian Theological Academy), which is part of the TMAI network (The Master’s Academy International).

Please pray that God will continue to bless Gianluca and Sonia in these important tasks. 

If you are interested and would like to know more about the ministry to which God is calling Gianluca and Sonia, please contact them at: gspollutri@gmail.com

You can help us by both praying for us and partnering with us financially. Here is how:

  1. Make a one-time or recurring credit card donation to this missionary by filling out the form below.
  2. To set up a monthly direct deposit, print the form and follow its instructions (Use missionary project "Florence, Italy Ministry").
  3. To give by check, send a check payable to "GMI" with "Florence, Italy Ministry" on the memo line to 13248 Roscoe Blvd. Sun Valley, CA 91352.

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Florence, Italy