Sermons FaithBuilders

Recent Sermons

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Sin's Corruption

Bill Shannon | 1 John 3:4–10 | 2/22/2015

FaithBuilders | Series: Sin’s Corruption

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So Close, Yet So Far

Jon Rehurek | Hebrews 6:4–8 | 2/1/2015


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A Christian’s Wardrobe

David Caldwell | Colossians 3:12–17 | 1/25/2015


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Children of God

Bill Shannon | 1 John 3:1–3 | 1/18/2015


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The Great Love of God

Bill Shannon | 1 John 3:1–3 | 1/11/2015


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Are You Ready?

Bill Shannon | Selected Scriptures | 1/4/2015


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The Bel Tolls, Part 4

Bill Shannon | 1 John 2:17–27 | 12/14/2014

FaithBuilders | Series: The Bel Tolls

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