David and Ashley Ellingson are missionaries to the island nation of Madagascar. After one year of French language school in Albertville, France (2019-2020), they will join their GMI teammates Faly and Lily Ravoahangy in Antananarivo, Madagascar. David will have the privilege of training indigenous pastors in the Scriptures, theology, and preaching God’s Word, so they will be able to properly feed and shepherd their flocks. His team will accomplish this training through regional workshops, conferences, and, Lord willing, by establishing the first biblical seminary in Madagascar focused on expository preaching. David will also serve in a local church where he will identify, train, and disciple godly men for future leadership. David and Ashley will also serve this local body of believers through biblical counseling and hospitality. Pray for the Ellingson family as they proclaim the fame of Christ’s Name to the nations.
God has richly blessed them with four daughters: Isabella (June 2010), Lydia (June 2011), Anna (April 2013), and Clara (January 2015).
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We are sometimes asked, “Why missions? Why Madagascar? Don’t we need more biblical churches and training at home?”
Yes! There is a great need for sound theology and biblical churches here. The difference is that we have access to biblical churches, radio, seminaries, books, internet, and other resources. In comparison to most countries in the world, we have a wealth of biblical resources.
In Madagascar, there is very little access to biblical training, resources, or even Bible-preaching churches. Together, we can meet this great need by equipping Malagasy pastors to be biblical shepherds, theologians, and preachers who can feed their churches and the nation.
Training Men for Ministry
Strengthening the Local Church
While in seminary, we developed a close friendship with a family from Madagascar—the Ravoahangys. This like-minded family returned to Madagascar in August 2017 to begin the full-time ministry of training local church leaders in Madagascar. What an asset it will be to team up with Malagasy nationals! What a joy it will be to work alongside such good friends!
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