Education has an eternal, Christian purpose. Believers understand that truth comes from God and recognize that the Bible is authoritative (2 Tim. 3:16). Indeed, the very sum of God’s Word is truth (Jn. 17:17; Ps. 119:160). Knowing that truth matters, this means that education—equipping in wisdom through learning—is not a neutral endeavor but something that can and should be distinctly Christian.
Tragically, contemporary culture has confirmed that education is anything but neutral. There are countless examples of education being twisted into indoctrination and of learning being weaponized to reject God. Lest we be deceived, there is a struggle for the minds of the next generation. Accordingly, believers must care deeply about the work of education to train up the future of the church in truth and wisdom (Prov 1:2–6).
Pastor John’s clarion call in his compelling book The War on Children and his sermon series “Providing Shade for Our Children” powerfully confronts those that manipulate learning for godless ends and charts a path for Christians to regard biblically faithful education as an earthly priority with an eternal purpose. This mandate for education is especially important for parents, says Pastor John: “Christian parenting—under the influence of the Word of God and godly living, and wrapped up in a faithful church—is God’s design for raising the next generation to love the Lord Jesus Christ.” As believers, it is abundantly important to teach our children and our children’s children to know and love God (Deut. 6:1–2).
To help furnish this vital grace and shade for the next generation, Grace Church offers a variety of valuable K–12 options for families under the banner of Grace Education. Consisting of home-based, hybrid, and on-campus learning models—along with dynamic projects underway such as curriculum and other equipping resources for families—Grace Education sustains an entire K-through-university pathway of educational choices. The church is the pillar and support of the truth (1 Tim 3:15), and these Grace Education resources provide trusted options to serve families as they seek true wisdom and knowledge before our Lord.
Now is the time to teach with all wisdom, providing urgently needed grace and shade for the next generation. Your ongoing participation and prayer will uphold the exciting work of Grace Education to bless many families and proclaim Christ with an enduring impact for God’s glory.
K-12 enrollment opportunities are currently underway for the 2025–26 academic year, and we invite you to learn more about trusted options for your child’s education at