Greetings from Croatia! We are the Dicks: Todd and Lynn. Todd graduated from The Master's Seminary in 1998, and he and Lynn were sent out by Grace Church to Croatia in the summer of that same year. The Dicks are one of the three families sent to work alongside Misko Horvatek in church planting and in leadership development. Currently, Todd is the the pastor of a small church in the northern area of Croatia, and a professor in the Bible School.
Todd is currently the pastor of a small church-plant in the most northern region of Croatia. His main responsibility is to provide leadership and discipleship to the members of this young church. Todd will provide the weekly teaching in the church until someone can be trained to take his place. We will be working to disciple a pastor in a church that has several young believers but no Croatian pastor to lead them. Todd continues to serve as a professor in the four-year Bible school in Krapina. Lynn disciples the women of the church to become godly mothers and wives. Lynn plays the piano in our church.