As mentioned before the Myanmar ministry I was heavily involved in for years has been turned over to the able leadership of J.B.  Due to the lockdown I have not been able to make my periodic visits there since February 2020. I have not been able therefore to visit Bangkok and the ministry of my Lt. Col. friend there as well.

Grace to India (GTI) now has a fresh Board of Trustees and I am simply one of the Trustees basically acting in an advisory role. John MacArthur's books have been turned over to GTI and when that inventory is over GTI will be a church ministry rather than an extension of John's ministry in India. In a recent Board meeting of Love Maharashtra the Board of Trustees understood that the bulk of our ministry under this umbrella is the Pastoral Training Seminary. The church I pastor held combined online services with another local church pastored by our younger son, S., and we will go on our own from the last week of September. Hopefully, the lockdown restrictions will be lifted and we will be allowed to meet in the sanctuary. Even if that is not permitted a few of us will do so and live stream for the rest who may not be able to attend physically.

I have been preaching through the smaller NT Epistles and broke off in 1 Tim. 2 because of the lockdown. In our combined online services I have shared the pulpit and preached from various passages in the context of the lockdown and resultant job losses and other painful experiences and fears our people have experienced. The 4 married men whom I disciple meet with me each Sunday afternoon and several married couples attend my once-in-two-weeks marriage classes. The latter two are at our Church premises. Other meetings of the women and youth also continue online. Leena and I have recovered well from the Corona Virus!!

Several key changes have been made in the government laws and requirements and we need much prayer to be alert to these announcements and prompt in reporting.

Thank you for upholding us before God's throne of grace and be assured we are extremely grateful and aware of answers to prayer.


  • Finding a new location for PTS… over 20 have been identified and not worked out because of unclear Title.
  • Review and publish booklets on Home Fellowship Inter-active Bible Study Questions and another on Servant Leadership.

Give to W, C