Valencia Bible Study Commissioned

Every other Thursday at 7 pm in Valencia

The Valencia Bible Study typically meets on the second and fourth Thursday evenings of each month at Brian Amandus’ house. We have a great mix of individuals in our Bible Study: high schoolers, college students, parents, and even grandparents!  Attendance can be anywhere from 10 to 25 adults, both single and married.

We are currently studying through the Sermon on the Mount. The teaching time is interactive, and we always consider how we should apply the teaching of Scripture. We also have a wonderful time singing together and finish each evening with fellowship and food. We’d love for you to join us!"

Contact Information

Brian Amandus, Titus Cantrell
818-921-0328, 661-600-3265,


Brian Amandus image

Brian Amandus

Valencia Bible Study

Titus Cantrell image

Titus Cantrell

Valencia Bible Study