Burbank Bible Study Commissioned

1st, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays from 6:30–8:30pm in Burbank

The Commissioned-Burbank Bible study started meeting in December of 2022. We are currently a group of roughly 15-20 people of all ages.


The only week we don't meet each month is the week of an elder's meeting. Other than that, we meet every Tuesday at 6:30pm in Burbank. Please contact one of the leaders to find out the address.


Our nights usually begin with a couple hymns as we prepare our hearts to study God's Word and apply it to our lives. We seek to make our Bible study interactive, and we usually end with a time of prayer. Childcare is avaible. On the 5th Tuesday of any month we do a potluck fellowship in place of our regular study time.

Contact Information

John Barnfather, Rhett Smith
812-564-1253 (Rhett) or