One of the great surprises in the 20th century was "Christian Africa"—that in one century, a whole continent turned from pagan to professing Christ. Yet, such rapid numerical growth has far outpaced the depth and maturity of the African church, resulting in a Christianity that is "a mile wide but an inch deep" with the rampant spread of false teaching, the prosperity gospel, and syncretism. The need for faithful Bible teaching and strong churches that train leaders has never been more urgent!
Because of this, the Cantrells were sent to South Africa by Grace Church in 1998 to provide leadership training and church strengthening. After serving at Christ Seminary for six and a half years, they have been in Johannesburg since 2005, doing pastoral ministry, training leaders, and strengthening churches.
At the heart of the country, in the great city of Johannesburg, God has called the Cantrells to a pastoral ministry at Antioch Bible Church, where Tim serves as Pastor-Teacher ( From this ministry, he is also involved in leadership training and church strengthening as they labour to see Christ exalted through a maturing church in Southern Africa.
Please pray for the Cantrell family's efforts in training leaders through church interns, weekenders, and other efforts at mentoring and equipping, and pray that their annual Rezolution conference would raise up a new generation of holy disciples of Christ.
Tim writes & contributes articles at the following sites:
When To Disobey - A Theology of Resistance for Reluctant Protestants