Kris is a graduate of The Master's Seminary (M. Div. 1996, Th.M. 1998) and Southern Baptist Seminary (D.Min., 2015). He and Nina have been married since 1996. The Bracketts lived and served in the Emanuel Baptist Church and the Theological Biblical Academy for 25 years (1998-2023) alongside the Horvatek, Dick, and Heaton families. Kris and Nina have three beautiful girls, Gracie (1999, married to Connor), Gaby (2001, married to Daniel), and Katy (2005). They also have one grandson, James.


  • Continue to train students in Croatia in Hermeneutics, Exegesis, and Expository Preaching.
  • Continue to assist students pursuing their M.Div. degrees through TMAI in Europe (based at EBTC, Berlin).
  • Help training centers in Europe as well as throughout the world develop and improve their academic programs through TMAI.

Current Ministry:

  • Kris and Nina serve in various capacities in their local church, Faith Community Church, Woodstock, GA.
  • Kris provides administrative guidance and assistance to the Theological Bible Academy (TBA) in Croatia and also travels to teach Hermeneutics, Exegesis, and Expository Preaching. Nina meets regularly with ladies in Emanuel Baptist Church for Bible Study.
  • Kris directs the TMAI M.Div. program in Europe attending live classes, mentoring the students, working with admissions, and encouraging the students throughout their six years of study as bivocational students.
  • Kris works with the TMAI Academic department to help new and existing training centers develop their academic programs.

Give to Brackett, Kris and Nina


Krapina, Croatia